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13 kwietnia 2016

LIsle, France, 79, 85 Catherine (Chicken), 331-2 Lacam, Jean, 56 Fairwell, Henry, 259, 260 Cottin, Magdalen, 55, 230 Peter, 303 Madeleine, 266 James, 104, 113, 267 Duplessis Mornay, France, 112, Paul, 60, 62 345, 357 Mary, 62 Brionnet, along with Jacques Lefvre d'Etaples, shaped Marguerite's religious beliefs, and she in turn encouraged reform within the church and the need to reinterpret the Scriptures and translate them into French. James, 351 Godin See Seron. Spanish, The, 6, 23, 144, 147, Jean, Jr., 200 144, 165, 224, 250, 298, Joseph, 232 John, 276 (Chastaigner), 84, 251-2 Bourdigale Susanna (Maybank), 244 Pierre (II), 246 Charles II (of England), 57 265, 277-80, 291-3, 300, 323, Please be aware that the name may have been spelled somewhat differently in the original record. Girard Marie, 206 Peter, 65, 147, 168, 178, 272 248, 255-6, 264, 338-9, 341, James, 89, 305 Stephen, 295 Jonathan, 88, 94, 103, 153 Lausanne, Switzerland, 141, 143, Elizabeth, 81, 209, 210 16. Pierre, 157 Trinquant, Charles, 250 Hewitt, in his History of South Carolina, says: "In 1690 King William sent a large body of Huguenots to Virginia. Elizabeth Ester, 153, 202 Sail Maker, 358 Jacques, 264 Anne, 225 Jacques, 53-4, 259, 349 242, 369 Daniel, 264, 266-7, 295, 323, Echaw Francis, 177, 183, 333-5 Lydia (Johnson), 184 Anne (DuPont), 224 Henry (III), 204 Jean, 199 Maryann, 324 Suzanne (Faneuil), 342 James, 338 Moses, 174 288, 290 Joanna, 55 294, 296-7 Madame, 136-7, 250 290 Paparel Mary Henrietta (Gaultier), 297 Click here to view editions published in 1960 and earlier. James, 126 See also Slaves. 326, 332 202, 230, 239, 241, 254, DuPuy 109, 115, 123, 125, 127-8, 137, This followed the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, guaranteeing French Huguenots a measure of toleration, by French King Louis XIV, in 1685. Bunyan, John, 49 Anne (Cordes), 261 Franois, 306 James, 48 177, 333-4 Christian Marie, 111-12, 329, Catherine (Le Serrurier), 83, Francis, 29, 54, 96, 135, 142-3, Ptremand, Marie, 297 David, 77 Pierre, 153, 201, 254-5, 257, Prue, John, 281, See also Prew Bellamy Rabousson (Notaire Royal), 64 343, 347 Courges, 224 Anthoine, Sr., 226 Jermain, 195. 251-2, 301 Mary (Potell), 63 179, 181-3, 254-6, 299 Ozembert, Mary, 73 Moore St. Denis Parish, 197-9, 249, 264, 336 Benjamin, 127 Charles, 209, 357 The earliest mention of the French in colonial Virginia occurs in the year 1610. River Road, 123, 222, 254 Frances (de Longuemare), 228 Jeptha, 94, 103, 153 George, 186, 245, 315 Jean, 17, 50 Stephen, 152, 222, 318 Jacob David, 199, 200 Marguerite, 197 Nathaniel, 204 Stephen, 243 Eleanor, 124-6 Broughton Senechauds, 325-6 Gaumaine (Gauvaing/Gourvin) John, 189-91 308 153, 211, 280, 287, 290, Religious wars began in France. Protestants in France were inspired by the writings of John Calvin in the 1530s and the name Huguenots was already in use by the 1560s. Guienne Province, France, 16 Purry, Jean Pierre, 70, 189 304-5 Susannah (Laurens), 201 Elizabeth Catherine, 247 De Laage, Jean, 268 108, 114, 153-4, 170, 202- Huguenots, and particularly French Huguenots, were persecuted Protestants in 16th and 17th century Europe who followed the teachings of theologian John Calvin. 290 David. Charlotte Marianne (Gendron), Pierre, 67, 208 Montgomery Creek, 177, 334 226, 306, 354 Noah (II), 112 Marie, 53, 274 John, 288 Elizabeth, 217 Henrietta, 232 Jeanne (Moreau), 132 Michael, 35, 46, 216 Punch, Thomas, 338 Herman, Peter, 296 John, 108 ), 36 Mepkin, 204 Anne (Bruneau), 64 Stephen, 128 Davis 144, 147, 149, 171, 185, Jane, 48-9, 248 Wando River, 93, 100-3, 148, Lessade. 160-1, 169, 214, 292, 298, Gantier. Rice Riddle, 322 Swamp, 34, 90, 128, 183, 194, Coteners/Cateners, Alex, 169 Robert, 35, 193 James, 236-8 Hannah, 261, 350, 353 Sieur de Lamothe, 57 Edisto River, 6, 30, 58, 61, 77, Aigues-Mortes, France, 79 Rosemarie, 189 Marianne, 269, 271-3 van Wassenaer Obdam Malherbe, Nicholas, 44 St. Johns Berkeley Parish, 41, 49, Mary (Bichet), 177 Ren Louis, 83-4, 284, 315 Capon John, 225 Thomas, 189 Mason, 134 Benjamin, 67, 198, 231, 233, See Taladar. Christopher, 192 Kings High Road, 52 Basle, Switzerland, 26, 297-8, University of Montpellier, France, Magdalen, 96 St. Sauveur, France, 205 Margaret, 183 Samuel, 259 6, 190-1, 196, 203, 223-4, Joachim, 8-9, 20, 22, 96, 119- Murrell Creek, 187 Marie, 134 Anthony, 52, 349 John, 240 John, 320 Solomon, 75, 175, 334, 341, Mr., 197-8 Jane (Peyre), 54, 55, 303 Museum of London and the Huguenot Society of London, The Quiet Conquest: The Huguenots, 1685-1985; London, Museum of London, 1985. John, 206-7, 283 Elizabeth, 148 Gabriel, 74-5, 345 Roda Mary, 137, 222-3 Marshall Elizabeth, 69, 86, 167, 260-1 Daniel, 6, 17, 73, 132-3, 209 Susanna (Desserex), 157 Jonah, 35 Margaret (Gourvin), 178 Anne (Saloavay/Salvavay), 98 Jamestown (on the Santee River), Indian Hill, 173, 177 Widow, 159 271, 273, 276, 278, 293, 295-6, 138-9, 160, 212, 251, 316, Anthony, 275 Indian Trader, 284, 315, 317 Bonomi, Patricia U. Hannah, 203 223-4 Amy Amelia, 194 John Caldwell, 194 Susannah, 296 William, 242 1. Lawton Although the French settlers of colonial Pennsyl vania were few in comparison with the English, the Germans, and the Scotch-Irish, it may be stated at . 265, 299 Ruins, 375 . Marye, 17, 53, 62-3, 273 Jaudon Servants, 64 Elizabeth, 129, 241-2, 318 Clerk, 26, 251 Douxsaint, 217, 375 Harriett, 194 Religion, 366 Cherigny, Claude de , 268-72 305, 337 Bochet (II), Nicholas, 350 Quarterman, Robert, 296 Madeleine, 233-4, 236 Hester (Vincent), 343 Anne, 269 Today, the Society has nearly 2,000 members who are descendants of those Huguenots. Hannah (River(s), 203 Peter, 150, 239, 240 139 Jacob, 319-21 Anne (Foulon), 111 Dorcas, 104 Ester, 203 163, 175, 181, 187, 190, 215, Bonoit See also Benoist/Benoit. Collins, Andrew And Mary Collins To Frances Avant, Sale For 400 Acres Of Land On The Black River. Doublet, Elizabeth, 133-4 143, 198, 279, 280 Margaret, 77 Elizabeth (Laurent), 201, 257 St. Helena Parish, 37, 167, 277, Sarah (Cantey), 262 Francis, 48-9, 187 Gaule Province, France, 264 David, 134 Monsieur de, 67 Izard, 39 Butler, John, 359 Doyen, Pierre, 58 John (II), 163 137, 146, 150, 369 3, 100-4, 114, 161-2, 167, Farrar Salaytin, 5, 360 Pestles, 11, 147, 373 357-9 262, 279, 286, 288, 298, 302-3, Cotton Family, 279 Newton, John, 275 Edward Brickell White, also known as E. B. 1750 . Isaac, 340, 341 Daniel, 297 However, ninety percent of France was Roman Catholic, and the Catholic Church was determined to remain the controlling power. Polmarin, Lewis, 47 331 Press, 2005. Brunswick, 318 Mary Magdalen (Marion), 236 Mary, 192, 247 Francis, 228 Mary, 199 Madeleine, 223, 224 Wambaw, 22, 35, 37, 40, 144- John, 305 Andrew, 326 St. Stephens, SC, 237 Roger, 239 Ferry Lake, 123 Isaac, 85 Louis Philippe, 310 Canoes, 13, 18, 20, 46, 58, 96, Marie, 249 Joseph, 336 Mary Henrietta, 297 Ward Dr Kathleen Chater has been tracing her own family history for over 30 years. Sieur, 63 Abstract : The question of assimilation versus acculturation is one that should be tested. Burgeaud 186, 226, 232, 241, 246, Cintres, France, 120 Tmoignages, 47, 85, 98, 112, Marianne, 244, 344 Gabriel, 97, 234, 235-7 Britten/Britton. Hart, Charles, 315 Jacques, 265-6, 299, 304, 313 Elizabeth (Belong), 78 Jeanne (Huberson), 135, 249- The Blessing, 302 Gosfraight, Kifiana, 208 Berault, Marie, 309 This comprehensive, detailed genealogy stands out for the richness of anecdotal information, and its exemplary letter/number . Rebecca, 101 Joshua, 103, 153 The Huguenots adapted quickly and often began to marry outside their immediate French communities fairly rapidly, which led to their assimilation. The Huguenots alternated between high favor and outrageous persecution. SC, 202 Waties. Crouch Liege, J., 44 336 Roux. 164, 181, 186, 190, 209-10, Jehan, 228 Brun Mary (Guerri), 303 (le Marchant), 201 159 Abraham, 127 Jane Elizabeth, 152 Whitter Charming Mary, 192 124, 138, 153, 157, 159, 161, Robert, 276 Columbia: Institute of Archeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, 1979. Peter, 100, 102, 103, 104 243-5, 336 Indian Land (St. Helena Parish), Gemoset, France, 325 Waha/Wahaw Creek, 18, 169, Floride, 194, 261, 349 Madeleine, 268-9 Thomas, 48, 173, 261, 351 Charles, 208 Race Course Tract, 332 Wattee Creek, 17, 136, 137 Anne (Peyre), 261 S., 256 Barber, 134, 266, 276 192, 279 Maitre, 51 Joiner/Joyner 74-5, 85, 118, Trezevant, 112 250, 286-7, 306-8, 357 Susannah, 259 Robert, 61 Marianne (Petineau), 188 Ostome, Peter, 359 Elizabeth, 200 Picault. Souchard. 191, 290 Ann/e (Robert), 172, 303 Santee Swamp, 72, 163, 196, 237, Louis, 55, 230-1 Valvot, 87, 330 Jeanne, leur fille, ne St. Jean D' Angely. Michel, 206 Giles, 350 Ann (Hall), 208 44 Franois, 209 Nicholas, 23, 67-8, 75, 87, 91, Certificate of, 358-9 Elizabeth (Branford), 172 Floride de, 227-8 Elizabeth (Bossu), 210 American Revolution: Siege of Fort Motte (1781), Ancient Planters: Passengers of the Swan, 1610, Badwell Cemetery, McCormick County, South Carolina, Huguenot Pettigrew Family of Ireland and South Carolina, Huguenot immigration to the James River area of Virginia 1620 to 1700. Researchers should consult the original records whenever possible to avoid possible mistakes or misinterpretations. Magdalen, 182 Trade with, 60 This revocation caused France to lose half a million of its best citizens. Nancy, 235 Pierre, 210 Brie Province, France, 50, 327 103, 118-19, 203, 288 121, 284 105, 111, 121, 137, 141, 144-5, Keating Lewis, 351 Joseph, Sr., 193 There was a great revival of interest in the Huguenots in the late 19th century, leading to the founding of the Huguenot Society of South Carolina in 1885. 182, 191, 214-15, 222-3, Elizabeth (Clay), 243-5 Languedoc Province, France, 16, Magdeleine (Ardouin), 325 Margaret (Jeanneret), 192 The Africans provided critical technical knowledge and skills for the cultivation and processing of both crops., from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston,_South_Carolina, Charleston is the oldest city in the United States|U.S. 307, 309 Dame (Marquise), 61 Witten Family, 195 Ann, 116, 245 Jacques, 53, 256, 307, 339 Vignaud Stono River, 242-3, 365 Vandamme Peter (III), 162 Cooper, 48-9, 74, 75-6, 97, Ces, 317 333, 359 Peter/Pierre, 6, 65, 256 Elizabeth (Mayrant) de, 318, 254, 258, 279, 323 Claude, 164 also Jermain/Jerman/Jermon. 328, 332, 335 North Santee, 190 Bastille, The, 57, 79 Jeanne de, 319 Elizabeth, 310 Charlotte (Mariette), 345 Samuel, 61-2, 342 Fort King George, GA, 185 Allen Esther, 324-5 Mary (Couly), 345 Pierre de (III), 313, 316-17 Peter, 116 315, 341, 348, 359 Henry, 150, 239-40 Jacques, 201-3 Marie (Du Bosc), 335-6 Mary, 116, 117 Lands were allotted them on the James river, which by their diligence and industry, they soon improved into excellent estates. Ester (Le Cert), 94, 165-6 No, 22, 34, 45, 73, 86-7, 154, Lewis, 332 Judith (Videau), 286 La Court, Marie, 53, 259 Esther (Berresford), 352-3 Librarian (Royal), 57 Taverns, 5, 279, 362, 371 Gaellaert/Gallard 218, 298 Elizabeth, 166 Michaus, 295, 326 Antilles Islands, 230, 364 Mary Anne (Le Grand), 217, Anne (de Magneville), 211-12, 233, 306, 308-9, 336 John, 103-4 Jonas, 133 Damaris (Ravenel), 319E-lizabeth, 60, 140-1 Samuel, 274, 276 Joseph, 347 Abraham, 244 Susanne (Bouquet? Thomas, 23, 375 Michau Creek, 84, 203, 247 Jersey (Channel Island), 282, 310 Helis [Alice] (Kelly), 350 David, 187, 189 J. Oliver, 333 Etienne (Stephen), 106, 150, 311, 358 Joseph, 35, 70-1, 90, 109, 287 ABRAHAM FLEURY, De la Pleine, n Tours, fils de Charles Fleury, et de Madeleine Soupzmain. Mary, 133 Marie (Palot), 62 Stephen, 249 45, 69, 70, 73, 85, 87, 94, 106- David, 242, 318 Ann/Anne, 172, 303 Jeanne (Jane), 201-3, 205, 258, William, 269, 351 Dearington Horrys Savannah, Mr., 34 Pierre, Jr., 22, 131 Bossu, Elizabeth, 210 251-2 Margaret, 303 Port-des-Barques, France, 114-5 Elizabeth Catherine Jean, 63 Prince George Winyah/Winyaw Sarah, 112 Anne Gabrielle (Poitevin), Lansac, Susanne, 166 Magdalen (Le Nud), 224 Jean Samuel, 201, 203, 205 Godfrey (alias Garnear) Marie, 323, 324 Samuel G., 374 Peter, 170-3, 222, 304 132, 165-6, 223-4, 246, Laptres Island Grant, 174, 333 Catherine, 126, 141 Alexander, 86-8, 106, 108-9, 285, 288-9, 301, 308, 325, John, 169, 170-2, 190, 233, Elizabeth, 232, 233 Margaret (Sheppard), 174 Jean-Louis, 369 James, 35, 92 Louise (Pineau), 143, 144 Lydia (Peyre), 126, 260 LHommedieu Elias (II), 170-2 Judith (Baluet), 38, 151, 233-7, 168, 173-4, 177-8, 181, 1, October 2002, accessed 4 Nov 2009 |publisher=Common-place.org |date= |accessdate=2010-07-31}}. Aumonier. 2, 333-4 Riche, Philip, 195 Thomas, 244 Mouzon Dedecate, Robert, 98 135, 138-9, 142, 168, 181, Cotton, 11, 39, 147, 302, 329, 224, 247, 253-4, 263-4, 309, Anne, 284 Marie, 115 John, 261 244, 248, 260, 271, 276, 279, Mary (Skrine), 127 Esther, 240 Mary (Couturier), 38 219 151 Magdalen, 132-4 Huguenot settlers immigrated to the American colonies directly from France and indirectly from the Protestant countries of Europe, including the Netherlands, England, Germany, and Switzerland (the Huguenot haven of Geneva is pictured below). Gourvin, Margaret, 178 Suzanne (Bouteiller), 56 162, 188-92, 196, 217, William, Jr., 320 6 Gros, Marie, 343 Rennes, France, 6, 144, 165, 281- 256 John, 354 Charles Lucas Pinckney, 171, Tailor, 158, 189, 305, 338, 343 22, 25-6, 28, 34, 37-8, 46, 52, Marguerite (Rembert), 35, 104, Suzanne (Dutartre), 103, 113, Marte, 195 317, 338, 351, 374 179, 182, 231, 234, 252, Catherine Elizabeth, 83 Jacques, 306 Hannah (Simons), 261 Marie (Guerineau), 281 Andrew (II), 103 Mounier, 292. Peter, 73, 105, 152, 166, 216, Margaret (Gaillard), 127 Harriott Pinckney (Horry), Cork, Ireland, 178, 259 Benjamin (II), 234-5, 237 Louis, 282 Martha (Bremar), 267 William, 337 Mary Anne, 45 Susanne, 264 Isabel (Black), 336, 338 . Mary, 116 Elisha, 103 See also Genillat. Jean, 351 Judith (Dutartre), 162 Halidon Hill, 226 Formally called St. James Episcopal-Santee, this church is more commonly known as the Brick Church at Wambaw for its location near Wambaw Creek in rural McClellanville.Also called simply the Brick Church or Wambaw Church, it was built in 1768 and is the fifth church to house the congregation of . Pierre, 293 210, 221, 254, 307, 320-1, Susanne, 282 Esther, 134 243, 269, 363 Gabriel, 6, 116, 146, 149, 180, Catherine (Peyre), 260-1, 296 Rattier, 57 Mary, 219, 307 Jean de, 64 Turpentine Stills, 375 Pleasant Hill, 153, 332 Margaret, 189 373-5 There's a few left in the Carolinas, that's about it. John, 309 Jacques, 113, 289 Ferrand, Jaguer, 100 Hinde, John, 272 326, 329, 339, 345, 347-8, Antoinette, 96, 135, 138, 166, Richard, 281 Paul, 322 Oliver, 342, 343 Anne, 127 James, 111, 149, 231, 239, 303, 323, 330 Isaac (VI), 217 Magdalen, 94-5, 190, 223, 287 Grocer, 120 Isaac, 31, 35, 60, 119, 125-6, Isaac (II), 86-9, 108-9, 188 Glazebrook Mathew, 199 Wigfall 156, 171, 197, 222, 229, It was a dream of instigated by the royal power and initiated by the admiral of Coligny to establish an Antarctic France. 251 Judith (LaRoche), 340-1 Piedevin, Mary, 152 Elias, 39, 126, 141, 184, 204 155, 158, 168, 183-4, 186-7, Jacques, 144 Jacob (II), 88, 154, 162-3, 191- Jacob, 302, 330-1 John, 337 Judith, 276 French Huguenots made two attempts to establish a haven in North America. 217, 375 Mary (Stone), 77 Hamon, Jean, 209 Hasell Paul (III), 70 Miller. Anne (Le Roy) de, 225 Savannah River, 70 Colladon, 90 Angoulins-sur-Mer, France, 79 Charlotte (Broughton), 84 Endeavor, 297 Mr., 18 A thesis written for a Master of Arts Degree in History, this work explores the assimilation of the Huguenot refugee into, first, the British colonial society and, second, into the elite of the American "Deep South" culture prevalent before the Civil War. Jean (John) (II), 70, 221-2, 307 66-7, 69, 70, 81, 96, 99, 332, 346 Elizabeth, 254, 256-9 210, 254, 375. Esther, 272 They needed to act swiftly to attract settlers. 288 John, 89, 114, 164 Paul, 90, 227, 273, 275 Lynchs Creek, 49, 51-2, 103-4, He was of sturdy stock, whose fearless spirit, neither the cruelty of religious persecution nor the dangers of the ocean and fear of the savage could intimidate or subdue.. Lart, Charles Edmund. Pompion Hill, 310, 312, 314 Bradshaw, Robert, 359 139, 141, 152-3, 158, 161, 163, See Hartman. Ballsdam, 34, 123, 136-7, 140- Susanna (Porcher), 271-3 168-71, 173-5, 177, 183, June Branch, 197 Surgeon, 268, 270, 275, 294 Bonnetheau, John, 116, 233, 340 Anne, 217 . Mademoiselle, 84 They constituted a majority of the colony's population throughout the period. Joseph, 116 Marguerite (Rembert), 35, 161, Samuel, 266-7 Anthony, 223, 240, 325 Esther, 209 Madeleine, 250 Judith, 189 Anne Marie de, 298 South Carolina French Huguenot Immigration - 1690 To 1700. Lucy (Peters), 62 River(s), Susanne (Le Serrurier), 127-9, French Graveyard, 152, 159, Mary, 203, 204 See also Gignilliat. Etienne, 6, 30, 58, 59, 75, 99, Mr., 20, 209, 250 242, 283-4, 313-14, 317-19 111, 370 Middleburg, Holland, 56, 64, 326 Charlotte, 88 Laurens/Laurent, 53, 201 Esther (Serr), 329-30 Isaac, 96, 117 Fickling 302, 310, 312-14, 325, 333, John, 235 29-30, 34, 42, 51, 58-9, 60, 66, Rolinson, Daniel, 77 Le Prou, Andre, 264 Today, people of Huguenot origin are found in all parts of our country. DuCros de la Bastie, 102. Marguerite, 62 Jean, 113, 264 85, 87-8, 105, 166, 190, Elizabeth (Guerri), 125, 162 Sarah, 47-9, 248 Margaret, 347 Meaux, France, 50 William, 154 Catherine, 237 Susannah Elizabeth, 188 Margueritte, 9, 168, 177, 178, Theodore, 35, 39, 69, 87, 95, See Le Chevalier. 358 Susanna (Gaillard), 129-30, Congregational (Circular) 115, 117 McClellanville, SC, 202, 353, 374 Johas Creek, 150. Frederick Rather than forsake their faith, the Huguenots left their homes, families and the life they knew in search of a place where they could worship and live freely.We celebrate their courage by preserving and sharing their story because we believe that to know who you are, you need to know who you were. Martha Ester (Mouzon), 158 FORUM ARTICLES SEARCH. Pierre de, 6, 151, 210, 226, James, 324, 325 Leather Worker, 287 Pierre, 50-1 Langlois, Nicholas, 211, 320 Goulard. Aubery, Thomas, 178 James, 91, 100 Agnes, 337 Elizabeth, 209, 212-13 Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. See also Le Sade. Grove Hall, 130 Gaspard de Coligny was among the first to fall at the hands of a servant of the Duke de Guise and was chopped to pieces. Church of England, 25, 34, 70, Berchaud Elias (III), 171-2 French Santee 395 Rebecca, 104 John, 336 Bayonne, France, 120 James, 106, 159, 167, 321, 326 Jonathan, 100-3 132-3 Floride (Bonneau), 194 Berteaud 1, 164, 373, 375 Bressan Anne (Nouail), 281 Monreau, Mose, 339 Bermuda, 55, 230, 313, 361 Layson Pecoates, 264 Rowser 135, 139, 202, 205, 211, Orphan, 69, 83, 84, 294, 356 297 166, 175 290, 285 Dorfusez, Marie, 306 Andr, 46, 66, 69, 71, 81, 83, Cabenell, J., 270 Belrieu Pierre, 9, 58, 135-7, 249-52 Wilkinsons Swamp, 116 136-7, 146, 149-50, 153, Carolina, 206 Anne, 115, 159, 161-2, 224, Sieur de Boisdenier, 135, 249 166, 182, 261, 262, 289, 273-7 Rumont, Jeanne, 306 John, 174, 333-4 Fief of, France, 63 Jane, 286, 288, 349, 350 Madeleine, 98, 103, 290, 309 Attorney, 153 Mary, 338 Castanier. Marye, 133 Margaret (Graham), 192-4 145 250-1, 253, 258, 271, 273, Eliza, 171 Thomas, 45 Rachel (Caillabeuf), 73 Peter, 113, 233, 289 Isaac, Jr., 192 Sausau, Jean, 263 Mailhet/Malet. University of Paris, France, 268 346 332-3, 346, 357-8 Bulls Bay, SC, 7, 11 Pierre Robert was the first Huguenot preacher to set foot on the shores of the New World. Elizabeth, 337 Anthony, 353 Anna (Howard), 195 303 Eure-et-Loire Province, France, French Church Site, 118 Francis, 64 259 Caleb, 286, 288, 349-50 Abraham, 256 Glover, Charlesworth, 280 Corker, Thomas, 306, 309 349 Elisabet (Perdriau), 256 7 Delabastie. See also Echaw and Thibou Wi Land Thomas, 296 Magdalen, 306-7 Isaac (III), 69, 126, 214-16, Jane/Judith (Peyre), 260, 262 Captain (Ship), 68, 110, 132, Knowl, the, 224 King William Parish, VA, 87 Arrin Manakintowne, VA, 26, 85, 290- 214, 219, 222, 239, 274, Baker, Richard, 240 Old Settlement, 126, 194 Elizabeth, 239 Pierre, 249 Brice, William, 313 Verdety/Verditty Murphy Norugatt, Jane, 276 Cordwainer, 45, 77, 134, 202, Gaultier Peter (II), 87, 107 Col., 83 345, 352, 370, 374-5 Andr, Jr., 69, 261 164, 166, 175, 207, 210, Paul, 83-4, 177, 183, 203, 247, Mr., 184, 241 246, 278, 283-90, 302, 307- Jacob, 206 Trustees for Selling Land, 242 105, 174-5, 177, 193, 201, Clerk (Minister), 54, 71, 298, Marie (Pel), 203 Massif Central, France, 368 Mary, 252 Isaac, 100, 310, 326 Marie Anne (Rimbaud), 152 Bonnin, Arnaud, 68, 269 Starling, John, 337 Watahan Creek, 20, 46, 153-4, Benes, James, 73 Jeanne Marie, 85 Gaspard/Jasper, 196 First Fleet, 7, 240, 333 Elizabeth (Harrison), 292 Belle Isle, 237 Benjamin Marion was a French Huguenot (Calvinist Protestant) from Chaunay, in the Poitou-Charentes region of western France. J., 240 Old Plantation, 129 Middleburg, 198, 226 Thomas, 259, 260, 380 Snchaud/Snschaud, 294-5 See Birmont. Jeffords 254-6 229, 246-7, 286, 290, 308, Eleanor (II), 204 Burgaud Varing, Catherine, 206-8 The lowcountry French soon came to own large . Anne (Samborne), 206 Daniel (II), 247 Villette, Andr (Andrew) de la, In the index of Parish Prince Frederick Winyaw register . Madeleine (Du Frenne), 168 Wando Neck, 92 Marvilleau 68 Louis (II), 9, 135, 250-2 Susannah, 104, 113, 295 Jacks Creek, 137, 296, Jacks Lake, 128 Jacob, 77 John, 52, 186, 196, 211, 359 Sarah (Godin) de, 316-17 Judith Jeanne, 265 The Huguenot migration to South Carolina is part of a larger diaspora, traditionally known as le Refuge, which stretches from the late 1670s to the early 1710s. KEY for References for sale by the National Huguenot Society below: QHA-page number: Register of Qualified Huguenot Ancestors of The National Huguenot Society, 5th ed. Merchants Company of (London), Elizabeth, 54, 126, 135, 138- See also De Susanne (Desserex), 155 Eleanor (Ball), 204 In the early years, many Huguenots settled in the area of present-day Charleston, South Carolina|Charleston, South Carolina. Cherveux, France, 130, 132, 196 Sarah, 89 Laborer, 156 John, 149, 151-2, 236, 253 Keating 332 John, 35, 114, 164, 201-2, 224, 168, 239, 257, 259. Huguenot Pedigrees. Pierre, 133, 357 Manasseh, 94-5, 223, 246 She influenced her brother, Francis I, to be lenient with the Huguenots. Menessier. Anne, 88 George, 166, 269 Magdalen, 266, 276-7 Louisa County Court Records Directory (Source: Court Records Free Reference and Directory) Superior Court of Law Common law order books, 1809-1847; chancery order books, 1809-1838, 1844-1851 Viewing restrictions apply (Source: FamilySearch) 150, 161, 167, 186, 207, 2 Nicholas, 338 271, 273 Bourges, France, 290 Williams 321, 330-2 James, 235, 276 287, 290 Anne, 108 Montgomery, George, 263 The names of Huguenot leaders at that time included the royal houses of Navarre, Valois, and Cond; Admiral Coligny, and hundreds of other officers in the military. Chteaudun, France, 112 Marian, 154 Jean, 45 Susanne, 87 Paul, 203, 235, 237-8 Marie, 63-4 118, 151, 156-8, 165, 233- Henri/Henry, 6, 53, 111, 200, 251, 292, 301, 308, 344 Anne (Jeffords), 249 Gayes, Dennis, 76 Caillabeuf, 47 E. S., 352 LISTE Des Franois et Suisses Refugiez en Caroline qui souhaittent d' tre naturalizs Anglois. 147, 162, 168, 186-9, 195-9, Isaac (II), 31, 47, 100, 102-4, Elizabeth, 110, 115-17 Vieillevigne, France, 51 188-9, 299, 301-2, 304 John, 171 Alexandre, 80-1, 83 Margaret, 134 Belle Fontaine, 316 Isaac (II), 317-18 Chachan, 237 Mary-Anna, 254 James, 88, 107-8, 174, 177, North Point, 168-9, 180 Nicolas, 53, 273 Mathias, Elizabeth, 108 Peter, 36, 86-7, 89, 106-8, 150, Cordes, 375 Sarah, 172, 349 George, 354 Fleury, 6, 250 Elias, 130, 188, 304-5 Anne, 132-3 John James David, 259 Saddler, 101, 153, 157, 202-3, Lardan/Lardant/Lardone Sarah (Wilkins), 342 Madeleine (Soubzmain), 117 Jacques, 255 Sarah, 88 Butler points to factors such as a loss of national identity and a failure of the American French Protestants to maintain their cohesion as causes for the demise of the Huguenots. Anne (Sauret), 57 Samuel, 152, 272 Isaac (II), 72-5, 286, 299, 308 Frances (De Liesseline), 221-2 Francis, 261, 303 Cothonneau/Cuttineau Marie, 165 Wetee Creek, 247 Ridgeville, SC, 269 Susanne (Dutartre), 113, 267 Susanne, 269, 271, 273

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