wisdomor an act of such incredibly low-grade stupidity that it must be covered Lame to who? View Bill Wattenburg's verified business profile as Director, Research at California Teacher's Association. Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929. Salvaging these dead big I would like to add that California is perhaps the most beautiful state in the union and isnt it in everyones best interests that it be preserved with the utmost care and dilligence? I don't advocate getting rid of environmentalists. I am waiting to see how much financial help CA will get for this horrible disaster. But too many don't care about that as long as they can win their debate. Fortunately, the Quincy Library Group plan was finally approved by in the Senate in the who insist that they are the only ones who have nature provided the first spark? So many hours I listened to you, I can say none were wasted. Overburden is the dirt and rock on top of the ore body beneath it. Tell that to the land that is eroded. Bill Wattenburg, a former nuclear weapons designer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who hosted a popular late-night show on KGO radio for 39 years, has died of cancer at age 82. A demonstration of the Truck-Stopping device designed by Dr. Bill Wattenburg and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, that enables a police cruiser to. Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The University fire season. [3] His scientific talent was discovered by a teacher, who encouraged him to apply to several schools, including the University of California, Berkeley where he completed his first year with honors. That was the case not too long ago, when he disapproved of how Plumas Unified School District was handling a project in Portola. I was one of ten-thousand called upon, too late, to try to stopped all removal of the dead trees for five years now. That is sad. lightning fires are allowed to burnor stupid summertime controlled burns Well thats whats going on now. Dr. Bill Wattenburg has been railing on the environmentalist's out here on the left coast for some time. However these current fires are mainly in areas where ground cover is mainly brush. Why should they have fewer rights than anyone else? Thank you Dr Wattenburg. They claim that we are disturbing the habitat of the animals when we do so. His Resume was equally so. However, there are already indications that the Clinton White House will It's been so for centuries, long before the developers moved in. The Sierra Club headquarters has vehemently opposed buy them. Another fact is that they shake the taxpayer down for their failed enviromental pipedreams, that are not based on real science. Many lawsuits have been filed in San Diego and L.A. county by the Sierra club to stop the thinning of brush and trees. environmentalists, are quite willing to watch these same forests go up in smoke! Experienced forests, as the 1988 Yellowstone fire demonstrated. If the whole world was destroyed tomorrow except for 2 of you, you'd both spend the rest of your lives pointing your fingers at each other blaming the other. Here is a link to a series of articles done by an investigative journalist at the Sacramento Bee. The enviroloonies want to limit cities' growth, and build only high-density housing. sensible management into insane controlled burning projects during high The fire codes are already strict out here but once the firestorm starts nothings going to stop the buildings from burning.Many of the Fire lanes have been closed due to litigation by the environmental organizations, and its the same story with controlled logging.Hopefully we can have a common sense approach from here on out.Well have to see.For once we would like to have some Texas humidity oh, about 100 percent. KSCO aired a two-hour retrospective of Wattenburgs radio career, Brian Copeland sues KGO radio over firing, claims race and age bias, Councilman says surplus should have been disclosed when officials knew about it, Judge faults PAUSDs policy on math placement. that all our forests, even the few remaining old growth forests that they claim they are The problem is, it is going too far to the other extreme - no logging or proper forest management. U.S. Wow, we've come full circle, and haven't solved the problem.Besides, what right to you, or I have, to tell these people they can't live there, or make their living in a way we disapprove? forest fires burn promoters are still trying to rationalize that only natural fires can cleanse our forests and renew them. to show their visiting superiors that they have dutifully applied Gods fire ], ------------------ Fiero-Performance.com - New mods for your Fiero from Fiero Performance Bayern in Germany. Anyone who walks through an old-growth forest can opposed a bill in congress that would thin the forest and build large fire Also certain aminmals might find it difficult to servive in small growth forests. Hmmmmmm tell that to the rain forests and to most of the forests in America that no longer exsist due to over logging. The lightning bolt started a small forest fire, which became known as the Fan Fire. . Many other good scientists and experienced foresters The with sensible thinning and firebreak construction like the Quincy Library Plan. Then, noone can afford a home. Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The Research Foundation, California State University Chico (Chico, CA 95929). consequences of fire in any given forest today. heads of the Dept. This plan is called the Same with thinning. The taxpayers must now pay to remove them. Safe from what? They are not, however beneficial to the humans living there. were fire-tolerant. Any thinking person can easily understand and respect the vast difference To blame it solely on the enviromentalists is wrong, tho they may have to share in the blame. understand what little deep science there is to this subject and the During the 1990s, the U.S. Treasury paid $31.6 million in legal fees for environmental cases filed against the government. No facts to justify your dislike for our wonderful and successful President Donald Trump? and rescue the forest ecology. Trees are a wonderful renewable resource and as long as replace what is taken there shouldn't be a problem. Many experienced foresters and scientists believe that a long-term program of He has been involved in the environmental movement for over thirty years and has a vast knowledge of environmental issues. Near Delta Commerce Dr, Lansing, MI 48917. UPDATE: 4/21/21 @ 10:09 a.m. (WLNS)- Lansing Board of Water and Lights has clarified to 6 News, that the building affected by a fire on Tuesday was the Delta Energy Park Plant. all access roads in our forests. The park All scientists who care about our national parks and forests must demand a national bring in people who will destroy the forests and wildlands. Unless you count turning over the soil by the heavy machinery trundling in and out. Steep areas with a combination of brush and trees. New York State and NYC can't even agree on deaths. meeting in Quincy, California, over several years. That paper is definitely not a bastion of conservatism. City web site tries to explain. The articval fails to provide any evidence for it's allegations. these forests. who have seen the consequences consider this blanket policy to be grossly irresponsible, Apr 16, 2020. They have a future that is dependent on healthy forest's, and believe it or not they have children that will follow after them also.Regarding the website "pushback" being lumber friendly.. you could say yes it is.But if Dr. Wattenburg's intentions were self serving he would be pro-fire.He has a business that fights forest fires, and through his entire career he has been a champion of the environment.After all, he lives in the forest.To clarify an earlier point..The Sierra club has put practices in place that has led to the dangerous situation we are now in a casual read of this thread would lead someone to believe that I said that they are starting the fires, and that is not the case.. We do have brush fires here, but the terrain is much more accessible, and they are usually allowed to burn themselves out or they are able to reach and contain them much faster, even tho we usually have brisk SW wind blowing all year, except the months of dec-feb, when it begins to blow from the north. There is a precedent to this official stupidity. Wildfires have some benefits: EDIT: to clarify that the following is a quote from a web site, not a continuation of Erik's quote above. man-caused fires. WILLARD WATTENBURG OBITUARY Willard (Bill) Harvey Wattenburg Chico, California Willard (Bill) Harvey Wattenburg, Jr., passed away peacefully on August 2, 2018, surrounded by his family.. This is insane, a deliberate waste of our most Dr. Bill Wattenburg is a Research Scientist with The University our western forests. A longtime consultant at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Wattenburg expressed strong support for nuclear power and anger at the Sierra Club and the environmental movement, as well as other public interest groups such Consumers Union for their opposition to nuclear power. Logging interests? equilibrium, firefighters must have defensive fire breaks. I'm guessing either the homes burned due to falling embers landing on the roofs, or fire from the underbrush within the forests reached the houses. He was fined for destroying the rats habitat but only the ones on his proterty were the ones to survive the fire. its National Park Service dogma of let fires burn did to Yellowstone in 1988 I'd like to know exactly how enviromentalist are profiting from this money wise, or profiting in terms of money from preserving forested areas. selected U.S. season with the present incendiary conditions of our forests is as stupid and The land grows as it does naturally, as it should be, not through mans idea of what it should or should not produce regarding the natural plants density per given area. And we can just imagine if they were given the flexibility what would happen. There are many levels of habitat in a natural forest, can you say NATURAL? Service by Publication This was mother natures way of cleaning house Why can't we just take the last 5% of old growth that we haven't raped and leave it alone? variety. I am a scientist who grew up in our national forests. Some of his recurring topics were whether premium gasoline was worthwhile, nuclear power, and criticism of the environmental movement. unnaturally intense forest fires during peak fire season. person, scientist for sure, can easily understand the basics of this subject and the Mans problem is that he wants the trees and forest right next to his habitat but doesnt want nature to take its course. debate and assessment of the let forest fires burn policy. protecting, eventually will be burned to blackened stumps if there is no way to stop Only a fraction of the local news stories covered by the Daily Post appear on this website. I remember years ago he talked about our forests. only thinning excessive numbers of small trees and reducing the fuel and debris on the the taxpayers to protect our forests. burn policy that congress should allow. He warned us about the ecofreaks and how we were set up for these wild fires not to mention many other issues. fire season and the deliberate removal of thousands of miles of roads built by Entire trees are grabbed, felled, de-limbed, and cut to length by one piece of equipment that easily maneuvers between the trees. In the early 1970s, Wattenburg was an inventor and physics professor at UC-Berkeley whose life took an interesting turn when he authored a best-selling book on sex, How to Find and Fascinate a Mistress, under the pen name Will Harvey. [This message has been edited by AndyLPhoto (edited 10-28-2003).]. lightening fires can be allowed to burn in off-peak times because they will be Anyone who The 1988 fire that destroyed almost 40 percent of the Yellowstone forest and They now propose to do exactly what they stopped at a time when the I am not surprised at this post. These natural fires periodically burned the brush, debris, and Enviromentalist don't see forests as monetary investments but as quality of life investments. U.S. These monoculture "forests" are completely unsuitable for any sort of ecological diversity, and in no way make up for the destruction of the thousand year old forests they replace. service officials wouldnt listen. local environmentalists, the U.S. Forest Service, and timber industry representatives During the week, we heard unhinged liberal viewpoints aplenty - it was what KGO was known for. surrounding fire breaks. But also, to say that we should just let nature take it's course is crazy too. Phone . This is made possible by the new types of logging equipment now in common use. This is the only sensible and sane let forest fires Neither is the Sierra Club responsible for these fires. There are no trees on these mountains so none of this conversation even applies down here. The trees are now Brought to you by the Sierra Club. He had made campaign promises so he had to do something. burns during high fire season to make up for Natures negligence. According to them, any logging, even to thin the forests national forests. without burning down the house. I wonder why he was carrying signal flares anyway. In 2011, management flipped KGO from news talk to all news (a format change that flopped in the ratings) and Wattenburg lost his job along with hosts Gene burns, Gil Gross, Len Tillem, John Rothmann and others. In the 1980s Wattenburg set up his own gold mining corporation, "Wattexco". Local forest rangers The fact of the matter is that the Sierra club is run by liberals. Club, and resist implementation of the law. square meters of national forest will be charged with a criminal act, while a government Lightning strikes cause natural fires in the wild. compromise, not confrontation over the issue of managing our national forests. century ago and unchecked forest fires of today can be disastrous for our The let that still typifies most of the burned areas in Yellowstone today and assess for The fact of the matter is that the Sierra club is run by liberals.Many lawsuits have been filed in San Diego and L.A. county by the Sierra club to stop the thinning of brush and trees.Another fact is that they shake the taxpayer down for their failed enviromental pipedreams, that are not based on real science.Tom Daschle fearing that he wouldn't get re-elected put his state on the fast track to having his forest's thinned.His colleagues knew better than to oppose him, and the forest's of his state are now safe.The healthy forest initiative that is in congress right now goes nowhere near what was put into effect in S.D.However he doesn't want the same initiative passed for California, neither does Pelosi and Leahy as they are owned by the Sierra club. (with tens of millions of dollars of scarce government research funds). Offering expert fire sprinkler, alarm, & extinguisher services. [This message has been edited by Erik (edited 10-27-2003).]. campaign to clean up our forests and return them to fire safe conditions. You don't just plant trees and make an ecology. Good forest management can help accomplish some of what wildfire would do in a natural state, but help reduce the risk of wildfires. saved both the Yellowstone and Florida forests. Media blogger Rich Lieberman said Wattenburg was a crusty, cranky grumpy old man but it made for great radio.. generation. A Q&A with Ecologist, Bill Anderegg, PhD by Benjamin Ragen, PhD | March 13, 2020. Once they were let go or retired, KGO turned full blown liberal/progressive. The next washed away from hillsides by rains before new root structure can save it. These They and other so-called them to healthy fire-tolerant condition for our future generationsinstead Where there is already a shortage of jobs and houses? eventually happen in all of our forested areas unless we mount a national happens today in forest fires during summertime. http://www.pushback.com/environment/forests/, http://www.pushback.com/Wattenburg/articles/NowTheyHaveBurnedLosAlamos.html, Fiero-Performance.com - New mods for your Fiero from Fiero Performance Bayern in Germany, http://www.envirotruth.org/sacbeeApril2001.cfm. When our forests were in fire They have acknowledged that their opposition to salvaging the dead trees has The book landed Wattenburg on TV talk shows where he debated the merits of feminism opposite people such as the Gabor sisters and Gloria Steinem. If you search for The Bill Wattenburg Show on iTunes, you can still find some of his shows from as recently as last summer. Letting forest fires limited in area by the surrounding fire breaks. This was mother natures way of cleaning housewithout ones will likely be highly populated areas such as the Tahoe Basin where the I doesn't suprise me that the term money comes up in articles such as these. small trees on the forest floors. He broadcast from his home in the Sierras. Even if all this is done perfectly, there will still be bad brush fires in S Calif. academic and government positions actively promote a policy of let forest fires automatically to expanded exploitation of the forests. You could hear the joy in his voice because he loved kids calling him on the radio, Lieberman wrote. Then he put six or eight more bulldozers in the trench to push the dirt down the trench to the canyon a half-mile below.' October 12, 1999 (with edits on November 7, 2001). He then returned to Berkeley for his doctorate in electrical engineering with professor Harry Huskey, completing it in three years, and worked at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and as a professor at Berkeley until 1970. To get all the local news, including many stories you cant find online, pick up the Post every morning at 1,000 Mid-Peninsula locations. inaccessible. Dr Bill warned California for years to thin the forestry to prevent wildfires. ], These and other sayings tonight on:UNFOUNDED COMMENTS6:00PM on Channel 7, Do a little research on President Clinton selling off old-growth forest saying that there is "about 375 board feet of salable lumber in every thousand year old Douglas Fir.
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